Our Work
The work
method of TRANSCOOP, Agency for Transnational Training and Development, is
based on the most contemporary business
management and organization techniques, fact that facilitates optimal
planning, project management and coordination, maintains and expands the
company’s cooperation network and achieves high
level quality and satisfaction for the cooperating bodies.
The method followed is
based on the organization and continuous improvement of an intercactive communicational structure that supports continuous expertise and know-how exchange among the partners. The establishment of the
most proper, for each case, working group, the constant group evaluation and
the continuous training and professional development of the group’s members, is
achieved through this structure.
The company’s organization chart has hierarchical, sectoral and spatial structure, fact that allows task and decision-making
distribution depending on the partner’s experience, on the sectoral distribution
based on the partners’ expertise and
on the geographical distribution of the tasks in order to provide on-site services.
The above structure,
combined with the administrator’s encouragement
for initiative development, allows our partners to directly and efficiently respond to political and economic, social and
business incentives.
